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I've been having an issue syncing my iPhone to iTunes. Here's a description of the problem:
-With an up-to-date Apple Mobile Device Service, error windows constantly pop-up saying that it has stopped working. If I close the error window, another one pops up fifteen seconds later.
-If I plug my iPhone into my computer, it is not recognized in iTunes, because Apple Mobile Device Service is not running.
-This error does not occur on my desktop PC, so I have been able to sync my iPhone by loading all of my files onto a USB and transferring them onto it. However, I would much rather not.
Here are the steps that I have taken:
-Uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes 10.5 with firewall off
-Individually uninstalled and reinstalled the Apple Mobile Device Service with firewall off
-Stopped and Restarted the Apple Mobile Device Service in Administrative Tools -> Services
-Extensively searched the internet for solutions
-Replaced Apple Mobile Device Service for iTunes 10.5 with Apple Mobile Device Service for iTunes 10.1 (This worked PARTIALLY. The error windows have now stopped popping up altogether, but I cannot sync with iTunes because the Apple Mobile Device Service is out of date. It asks me to update it, I agree, and I get the Apple Mobile Device Service that spawns error windows and still does not allow me to sync my iPhone.)
I am running Windows Vista SP2, and iTunes 10.5. My Internet Security suite is AVG Internet Security 2011. My iPhone is running iOS 5.0.0. Here is a full report of the error:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: AppleMobileDeviceService.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4e66ceff
Fault Module Name: kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18449
Fault Module Timestamp: 4da47967
Exception Code: c06d007e
Exception Offset: 0003fc56
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: 599e
Additional Information 2: 30e036b93244793a42096718411570bd
Additional Information 3: 7229
Additional Information 4: 80ac1a21efab121ee7fb685acd0c57bc
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Answer :
Just a shot in the dark, but have you downloaded any program from Megaupload, like MegaKey? If so then that is your problem. I had been having the exact same problem for the past 2 weeks. I couldn't figure out what it was and tried everything that you have.. Then was on a board and someone mentioned Megakey. Having tried everything else, I uninstalled the program and reinstalled the current ITunes and AMDS. My Ipad and Iphone connected with no problem.Disscuss This Topic at Apple Forum