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I have an iPhone 4 with the latest iOS installed (5.0.1). The update was installed a few weeks ago, when it came out.
I am having problems connectiong to Wi-Fi networks. It was working perfectly until earlier today when i got back home from the gym. It just doesn't want to connect to a Wi-FI network. It was working last night and this morning.
I restarted the router, even though my laptop is using the network with no problems wirelessly. I tried with another router as well.
I tried to renew lease, reset network settings, turn the device off and on again, but none of that helped.
Is there any way of fixing this ?
Answer :
You have already done most of the common diagnostic steps. If the problem occurs with multiple routers and you have reset network settings on the phone you have just about run out of options. It's possible you have a failed WiFi/BlueTooth chip. Does BlueTooth work?Disscuss This Topic at Apple Forum
You can try Reset All Settings, as you didn't mention it.
BTW, restarting the router matters even if other devices can connect to it. The common router failure is the DHCP daemon that assigns IP addresses. Your phone requests an address every time it connects. Your laptop is presumably on for long periods of time, so failure of the router to assign an IP address doesn't matter because it already has one.