iMessage 7 Search Article

Friday, December 23, 2011

My Siri is not working when VoiceOver is on

My Siri is not working when VoiceOver is on

Ask :

My Siri is not working when VoiceOver is on- can anyone help?
Answer :

They should both work at the same time but there appears to be a glitch as it works unevenly. Also, Siri doesn't work quite the same way when Voice Over is turned on. It seems that to input information to Siri with Voice Over switched on, you have to activiate Siri's microphone icon (first tapping once to identify the button, then twice to activate it) rather than just speaking to Siri automatically.

I would keep trying with it as it took me a few goes to get it to work properly. Make sure that both Siri and Voice Over are switched on in General Settings, and when you do so, make sure you back all the way out to the Settings front page before hitting the Home button. I had a hard time with it when I just went through these steps:

Settings > General Settings > Siri > Siri On > Home

But it worked okay when I went through these:

Settings > General Settings > Siri > Siri On > General > Settings > Home

(Or the same with turning on Voice Over).

I'm unlikely to use Voice Over myself, but my mother is visually impaired and I'm thinking of getting her an iPhone 4S for Christmas - only if I can get Siri and Voice Over to work together, though.
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