iMessage 7 Search Article

Friday, December 23, 2011

iOS 5.0.1 Siri Issues

iOS 5.0.1 Siri Issues

Ask :
Seeing a plenty of posts on no real improvement to battery in 5.0.1, I agree. However, anyone having issues with Siri and reception? Seems like ever since I updated to 5.0.1, Siri is not coming up when prompted or vice versa. Also, seem to be getting crappy coverage all of the sudden. Anyone else experiencing this?
Answer :
I just updated my iPhone 4s to 5.0.1 and it seems like I'm having same issue too. My Siri is lagging on me ... I'm not sure bcuz of apple connection or bcuz of the update.

Perform a hard reset... press the power button and the home key at the same time for ten seconds..

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