iMessage 7 Search Article

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Will Siri be integrated into iPad first generation in later updates?

Will Siri be integrated into iPad first generation in later updates? Hi there,
I'm sure that I'm not the only one is asking about Apples Siri to be part of the previous iDevices, but is it possible to be in the near future, let say on the next update 5 .01 or 5.1 ?

Plus is it gonna be on MacBooks and pros ?

It's funny tho, the first time I saw " The Matrix " I knew that someday we are going to reach that concept...

As much as it is wonderful it has it's own scary part...
It's just an app and it's not revolutionary technology. I've had it on a couple of my android devices innthebform of Edwin and Vlingo but it appears to be a great marketing tool for selling the iPhone 4s so I would imagine, at least for a while it remains available only there.

It is however certainly possible to get it on every iOS device if Apple wanted.
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