iMessage 7 Search Article

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Solving iMessage or FaceTime waiting for activation problem

Solving iMessage or FaceTime waiting for activation problem - My problem is even further than simply "waiting for activation". After change the SIM card of my iphone, the iMessages sent out are all under the old number ....

However, the number under the iMessage setting is unchangeable. To change it, you need to turn off both the iMessage and FaceTime and then reactivate them. The problem comes when reactivating them, the "waiting for activation" messages last for hours without giving any hints what are going on.

Here comes the "waiting" problem as many people encountered. To solve it, Simply speaking, you need to save your own contact information in the Contacts and in the general settings set my info to the correct contact.

Hi all....I have an iPhone4 with IOS5 and was getting the waiting for activation message for imessages. I was also finding that people I was iMessaging were getting messages from my email address (aka apple ID) rather than my mobile number which was confusing them. I found following adnanfarooqui's entry above and the iphoneism site very useful and it fixed my iPhone even though it was more directed at Facetime.

All I did was simply go into my own details in CONTACTS and ensure my own mobile # was set up as 'iphone' in contacts. Then I went into SETTINGS>MAIL,CONTACTS,CALENDAR>CONTACTS>MY INFO and selected myself. What this does, I suspect, is tells the iphone who I am as the owner along with the mobile #. Then I went back into SETTINGS>iMESSAGES and found that the 'waiting for activation' message had changed to the normal message with the 'learn more' link included. Then I went down to RECEIVE AT, got into my Apple ID and signed out of that (which I suspect was what my imessages recipients were seeing), which then allowed me to select my own mobile # as the receive at number. This therefore also fixed the issues I was having with recipients of my imessages getting my email address as the 'from' details as opposed to my mobile # and not matching their own CONTACTS. Hope that was helpful......
