iMessage 7 Search Article

Friday, December 23, 2011

Game Center deleted my account, all progress lost

Game Center deleted my account, all progress lost
Ask :
When I updated my iPhone to iOS 5. Whilst it was doing it I tried playing RR2HD on my iPad as usual. It welcomed me as a Rookie!!

Tried relogging into my Game Center account and it says it's never been used for game center before! So I lost all my game progress and multiplayer ranking! It also effects other games, as my account seems to have been reset at Apple.

Spoke to Apple MobileMe support, as it was a MobileMe account I started converting to iCloud but got scared off by all the warnings, but they say they don't support apps on the devices. No help there then!

I am using the same Game Center AppleID, yet it seems like I am a new person to my games. How do I get it to reconnect with my old profile and restore all my progress?
Answer :
For some reason, when I upgraded my iPhone, my iPad signed in as my current iTunes Store ID. I had been using a different gash Apple ID (this one in fact for apple discussions since 2005) for Game Centre on my iPad.

So others who may have lost progress, check the actual account you are using and try other Apple IDs in Game Centre. Hope this helps.
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