iMessage 7 Search Article

Friday, December 23, 2011

iPhone 4S 5.0.1 Update Improves Battery w/ Settings Reset

iPhone 4S 5.0.1 Update Improves Battery w/ Settings Reset

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Follow Davisch's post exactly. It does not use iTunes restore feature. Its all done directly on the iPhone itself. Also do not use the "erase all content" option that WILL delete all your data. And you do not want to restore you settings from the backup as the current backup is a backup of your device with the problem. So effectivley it will restore the items you are attempting to get rid of. Since this procedure does not impact your data/apps etc there is no need to restore it anyway. Certainly you still want a backup just in case but after the process is completed and all is well, THEN backup again with the "fixed" version and you will be good to go and have a good backup of the phone in a working state. Luck to ya! Hope it helps.
I'm still not sure I have seen any difference. 5min of Internet 5min on Facebook and about 20 text messages and there I've lost a lot of my battery. Usage is showing 1hr 27min and 13 hrs 24 min on standby with battery at 60%. I removed the phone from the charger at 5am and around 930 turned it on for the first time. It had been in my pocket asleep during that time. Usage showed 30 min which leads me to believe there is some phantom programs running or something not sure

Answer :

Here is my usage:
-usage: 5 hours, 24 minutes (phone calls 17 minutes, gaming, social networking, email)
-standby: 13 hours, 11 minutes
-remaining battery: 8%
-it manages to stay alive till i got home

Location service On (system services OFF), Fetch MANUALLY email, Siri ON (Raise to speak OFF)
I have tons of questions I hope you have time to enlighten me about them, most of them make sense and they matterwith regards to the overall experience of the phone especially battery usage,here goes:

In Standby or using the phone: does leaving more apps in themultitasking bar burn more battery than leaving none open?
Or no difference? Even if there's no wi-fi andthe phone's locked but should iteven matter considering that the phone is on sleep mode?
Also Does the number of unclosed apps, enabled wifi,affect the battery drain even on standby? Or it should not?

Is locking the home screen same as pushing the sleep/wakebutton wherein the phone should go into sleep?

As a best way of charging the battery, should I turn it offevery time I charge - or ON is OK?
Related question is it best practiceto charge the phone even if it’s not depleted yet or still more than 20%? Or itdoesn’t matter since it’s a Li-Ion battery?

Withregards to this procedure to save my battery life:

Will this work for my iPhonewhich is Ios5 5.0.1 out of the box?
When recharging back to 100%,do I need to turn it off until its 100% (Oh come to think of it how would Iknow it’s 100% already -_-)

AnywayI’ll be trying this procedure when I can then I’ll update you definitely.

Here’smy current situation:

In standby mode my iphoneburns 2-3%. NO wifi, JUST 3 apps in the MT bar whatsoever, no date usagewhatsoever because 3G is disabled
Ithought initially that this was normal but reading this thread I found thatit’s not supposed to be that way.
As formy usage statistics – are these acceptable numbers? It charged to 100% 12 AMSGT yesterday Monday, Dec 5, 2011. Now at 17:32 PM SGT, Dec 6 it’s 25%, itsays:
The Usage is 6 hrs and 4minutes (plus some minutes while still writing this reply)
Standby is 1 day and 17 hours
Even if these were kinda acceptable compared to other Usage Statistics in this thread,I didn’t feel I really used the phone that much most of the time I’m working :/PLUS the 2-3% standby battery drain should not be that way right…
Overnight, with wi-fi setting to ON (but my router is dead), with 12-13 apps in the multitasking bar, from57% it went to 48% after 9 hours L It shouldn’t be draining that much at standby even if there are lot of open apps, right?

Very sorry for the number of questions, I don’t hope to get a response any timesoon.

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