iMessage 7 Search Article

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sim Card Failure No Sim with iPhone 4S Anyone Else

Sim Card Failure No Sim with iPhone 4S Anyone Else

Ask :
If it's the microSIM issue then why did my problems go away when I did the update and used the same microSIM?
Or why is the same microSIM in question working just fine on my wife's iPhone 4?
So next time before you start commenting please check your facts.
4S is the issue and as we can see in some cases it takes a new SIM and in others it works with the update.
In my opinion, the problem is also related to hardware.
Probably one sub model (P/n: MD234C/A Model A1387) in Apple's defective.
The fact that some iPhones have not encountered a problem and some did. And those that replaced the iPhone, did not have a problem anymore.
Answer :

PROBLEM FIXED! (Iphone 4S, 16GB, last version of IOS 5.0.1, Vodafone IT, micro sim (not cutted))
The sim-error problem started wiht IOS 5.0.1. I've changed 4 SIMs and restored the iPhone more than 10 times, also with the last version of IOS 5.0.1 (9....6) Error appared 5-10 times a day.I was loosing hope when I read Stephan's post... I've followed his procedure :

1. Plug in to iTunes and back up.
2. Hold down the power (top) button and the home (bottom) button together for approx 8 seconds.
3. Release the TOP BUTTON ONLY after 8 seconds. As iTunes begins to restore the phone you can release the bottom button.
4. The phone will go back to the factory settings. You can then restore from your save back up.

Now everything works!!! 50hrs and no sim error!!!

My understanding is that there are many, many things that can cause the messages "NO SIM," "SIM FAILURE," "INVALID SIM," etc. That is why this issue is probably such a difficult one to fix. Let's hope Apple gives us a holiday present soon with a REAL fix for this issue.
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