iMessage 7 Search Article

iMessage us with #iOS5

iMessage us with #iOS5
Now that iOS 5 has finally come out of beta, I’ve been having fun setting it up on some of our devices. By waiting until this morning to install it, we seem to have avoided the issues reported by some users yesterday – everything downloaded smoothly and was verified by Apple’s servers without delay.

One of the features I’ve been most interested in seeing deployed on a wide scale is iMessage, which is Apple’s answer to BBM (BlackBerry Messenger). iMessage allows users of all iOS 5 devices like iPhones, iPads and iPods to exchange short messages, pictures and audio or video. It should be automatically set up for iPhone users, acting as a transparent SMS replacement to friends with iOS 5. On iPad and iPod Touch devices, iMessage needs an email address registered with Apple so that other users can get hold of you.

We’ve had a go at setting up iMessage from UK – so if you want to get hold of us, send us an iMessage:

iMessage is just another way we’re trying out for people to chat to us, though we’re always very happy (and prefer!) to get a call from our customers. It’s probably best to stick to the usual support channels for directed responses, but if you just want to say hi or ask a quick question, then go ahead and drop us a line.
